Resources Directory
Comprehensive Guide to Global Vaping Industry Resources
Comprehensive Guide to Global Vaping Industry Resources
Welcome to our curated collection of essential e-cigarette industry resources. This directory has been meticulously compiled to provide industry professionals with quick access to critical information sources across the global vaping landscape.
This comprehensive directory features valuable links to organizations that shape and influence the e-cigarette industry worldwide, including:
Whether you’re a manufacturer, retailer, researcher, or policy maker in the e-cigarette sector, this centralized resource will help you stay informed about the latest developments and connect with key organizations in the industry.
The Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) oversees the implementation of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. Some of the responsibilities under the law include setting performance standards, reviewing premarket applications for new and modified risk tobacco products, requiring new warning labels, and establishing and enforcing advertising and promotion restrictions.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK. MHRA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care.
The Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU) aims to improve the functioning of the internal market for tobacco and related products, while ensuring a high level of health protection for European citizens. The Directive, which is based on the proposal of the European Commission, entered into force on 19 May 2014 and became applicable in the EU Member States on 20 May 2016.
We are Australia’s government authority responsible for evaluating, assessing and monitoring products that are defined as therapeutic goods. We regulate medicines, medical devices and biologicals to help Australians stay healthy and safe. and The vaping hub provides up-to-date information on the regulatory changes and how they impact the Australian community, industry and health practitioners.
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control provides a global response to a global problem – namely, the tobacco epidemic. It is an evidence-based treaty that reaffirms all people’s right to the highest standard of health. The WHO FCTC is a milestone in the promotion of public health and provides new legal dimensions for international health cooperation.
Health Canada is responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health. It ensures that high-quality health services are accessible, and works to reduce health risks. Learn about vaping, tobacco products, effects of smoking, second-hand smoke, prevention and quitting.
The Office for the Special Mandate on Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products, their Devices, and Novel Tobacco Products (OSMV) is dedicated to regulating the vaporized nicotine and novel tobacco market, ensuring consumer safety and compliance with RA11900, the Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products Regulation Act, also known as the Vape Law.
China Tobacco played a key role in watering down the effects of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in China. It established an internal team to advance alternative to draft language viewed as harmful to its business, which also hosted visits by key government officials to tobacco factories, sponsor talks, produce research papers and publish a weekly magazine to promote its ideas.
The Electronic Cigarette Professional Committee of the China Electronics Chamber of Commerce (short for ECCC) was established in Shenzhen in January 2017, as one of the professional committees of the China Electronics Chamber of Commerce and operates independently as the only vaping industry association in China.
The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) was formed in 2009 as an advocacy group to raise awareness and protect our right as consumers to access reduced harm alternatives. Created as an answer to the efforts by various members of the tobacco control community to ban tobacco harm reduction (THR) products and in the belief that there is strength in our numbers.
The UKVIA is an organisation which is run by its members, for its members. We are about educating, informing and reassuring our key stakeholders as well as championing our industry so that the shift from smoking to vaping continues unabated and the public health benefits of doing so are realised fully. Our primary stakeholders include policy makers, parliamentarians, regulators, the public health community and the some 7m smokers across the UK.
Our mission is simple. We Vape aims to bring together vapers from across the UK to raise the voice of our community and to shape the public debate about vaping issues that matter to us. Vaping is saving lives across the UK. Learn more about vapers’ Personal stories or Get involved.
For nearly a decade, the Vapor Technology Association has been at the forefront of defending the vapor industry and the rights of adult consumers to choose their preferred alternative to cigarettes. We engage directly with policy makers and the media to shape the future of vaping and nicotine policy in Washington DC and throughout the country.
The Canadian Vaping Association is a registered national, not-for-profit organization, established as the voice for the burgeoning Canadian vaping industry. Founded in 2014, the CVA represents over 200 retail and online vaping businesses in Canada, not including tobacco companies or affiliates.
The Independent European Vape Alliance is working with great commitment to improve e-cigarette regulation in the EU. As a German association, we can benefit directly from this work. Important for us is the very good and interactive communication among the members, the regular updates on political developments and the awareness of being part of a strong alliance.
The BfTG is an association of small and medium-sized companies in the e-cigarette industry. Our members represent the entire value chain – from production to wholesale and retail in Germany. We advocate for appropriate regulation of e-cigarettes that ensures child and youth protection, quality, safety, and sustainability. Regulation that allows room for successful development.
Representing independent vapor manufacturers across the United States, AVM works to preserve the thriving vapor industry by providing support, representation, and engagement in the federal regulatory process. AVM members receive access to group testing strategies and tools to navigate federal regulatory requirements. We serve our members with integrity, diligence, and resourcefulness.
Founded by some of the UK’s leading independent manufacturers, importers, distributors, and vendors, the IBVTA is a not-for-profit, non-political trade association. The IBVTA has been established to support the independent vape industry in the long run, representing all responsible and ethical independent vaping businesses in the UK, irrespective of the size of their companies and operations.
FIVAPE is the inter-professional union for the French vape industry. It federates and defends the interests of independent players in the tobacco industry (statutory provision): e-liquid manufacturers, specialist stores and wholesalers.
VapeBel represents the majority of the Belgian vape industry, including manufacturers, retailers and distributors, who all share the same belief: “Not smoking and not vaping is the best for your health. However, for that group of smokers who cannot be helped with other means, vaping is a significantly less harmful alternative. It is that group of people that we want to guide and inform correctly.”
VPASA represents manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of smoke-free vapour products in South Africa. We work with the government and other stakeholders to develop legal regulations and standards for our industry and ensure that consumers have access to all available information about vapour products.
Vapers Finland closely monitors research and international news on e-cigarettes and strives to influence legislation on e-cigarettes and create confidential relationships between health authorities, parliamentarians, the media and vapers. The association’s purpose is to reduce the health risks caused by smoking by increasing knowledge about e-cigarettes as a safer alternative to smoking.
Electric Vapor Association Hungary – Our main goal is to educate, provide correct information, present information and personal examples, help those who want to quit smoking, protect their interests. Organize and conduct events and meetings, establish and award prizes, and produce informative professional publications for those interested.
DADAFO is a non-profit consumer organization that works for the interests and living conditions of consumers of e-vapes – i.e. we receive NO support, either from the tobacco, pharmaceutical or e-cigarette industries. As such, the association is financially independent. The association is run by a board of directors, elected by the association’s members. An annual membership fee of DKK 120 is paid per member. All board members and members of committees etc.
The Acvoda Foundation is a consumer organization founded by a group of users of electronic cigarettes. We believe that e-smoking is a less harmful alternative to traditional tobacco use, and therefore we believe that vaping should be an option available to every current and future smoker. For many of us, vaping has meant that we no longer inhale burnt tobacco, and therefore we no longer smoke cigarettes. However, we still vape, and we want to be able to continue doing so.
Truth Initiative is the nation’s largest nonprofit public health organization dedicated to preventing youth and young adult nicotine addiction and empowering quitting for all. Our field-leading approach to behavior change and policy change creates transformative impact through national campaigns, proven-effective quitting programs, and in-school curriculums that help prevent and break the cycle of nicotine addiction at the individual level.
The World Vapers’ Alliance amplifies the voice of passionate vapers around the world and empowers them to make a difference for their communities. Our alliance includes groups representing vapers – our partners – as well as individual vapers from around the world.
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and the Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund are the leading advocacy organizations working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences in the United States and around the world. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fun is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization separate from, but affiliated with, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.
Global Action to End Smoking is an independent, U.S. nonprofit 501(c)(3) grantmaking organization that funds and empowers Health & Science Research, Cessation Education, and Agricultural Transformation designed to end the smoking epidemic and related death and disease.
ASH was established in January 1971 by the Royal College of Physicians. ASH is led by Chief Executive, Hazel Cheeseman, and is governed by a Board of Trustees. The Duke of Gloucester is our patron. ASH has a small staff team based in London.
STOP is a network of academic and public health organizations operating globally as part of the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use. STOP connects experts in all aspects of the tobacco industry’s business to expose and counter its relentless efforts to sell harmful, addictive products.
INNCO aims to represent the views of consumers in promoting safer use of nicotine and to advocate for effective and proportionate regulation of safer nicotine products and their use. Representation includes engagement with international health, regulatory and public health organisations concerned with nicotine consumption, to assure that consumers are effectively and equally represented as stakeholders.
SEATCA is a multi-sectoral non-governmental alliance promoting health and saving lives by assisting ASEAN countries to accelerate and effectively implement the tobacco control measures contained in the WHO FCTC. Acknowledged by governments, academic institutions, and civil society for its advancement of tobacco control in Southeast Asia.
The Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC) collaborates with advocates, governments, and institutions worldwide to tackle the single greatest obstacle in tobacco control implementation: tobacco industry interference. Its mission is to empower change-makers by equipping them with cutting-edge strategies and tools so that the health and wellness of millions worldwide would not suffer at the hands of the tobacco industry.
The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) is an alliance between the Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates and their respective organisations in the region. Our mission and aim is to educate, advocate and represent the right of adult alternative nicotine consumers to access and use of products that reduce harm from tobacco use.
European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates promotes discussion and the exchange of information and potential actions to reduce exposure to tobacco-related harm. ETHRA complements existing organisations by offering European advocates a platform for exchanging information (particularly at European policy level) and for sharing experiences and local initiatives, in support of tobacco harm reduction.
The NNA developed from a group of individuals who have contributed since 2016 to improving individual, organisational and public understanding of what is known as ‘tobacco harm reduction’ – a term used by the Department of Health, OHID and the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence amongst others to describe ways of reducing harm from cigarette smoking without necessarily giving up the use of nicotine.
Tobacco Control Laws is an interactive website designed for advocates, researchers, legal professionals, and other members of the public interested in tobacco control to access information about tobacco control legislation and litigation worldwide.
From 2014 to 2023, the Institute for Global Tobacco Control (IGTC) Policy Scan Project served as a resource for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in the field of tobacco control. Our scans offered information on regulatory approaches for tobacco and nicotine products. We launched in 2014 with information on e-cigarette regulations in 68 countries before expanding to more countries.
The global tobacco control landscape is changing more quickly than ever. In this fast paced world Tobacco Watcher helps you to stay on top of these changes by finding, analyzing and delivering the world’s tobacco-related news. Powered by cutting-edge innovations in machine learning and artificial intelligence, Tobacco Watcher empowers you to combat global tobacco use.
VAPEPMTA is a Pre-market Tobacco Application (PMTA) Database — built to help vape users identify PMTA-compliant vaping products.
This database provides entries for tobacco products that may be legally marketed because they are 1) new tobacco products authorized through one of three pathways to market, 2) established through a voluntary determination program as pre-existing tobacco products (commercially marketed as of Feb. 15, 2007), or 3) provisional tobacco products that were removed from review.
The product may have been published prior to January 2021 and may appear in one of the links provided on the main publication page. If the product you are looking for is not published, it cannot be legally suppled in the UK.
Tobacco Tactics is a knowledge exchange platform, established by the Tobacco Control Research Group, at the University of Bath in 2012. It is a unique resource, providing rigorous academic research and monitoring findings in an accessible format. Tobacco Tactics details key issues in tobacco control, as well as focussing on the global tobacco industry and those connected to or interacting with it.
The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (GSTHR) is a free resource mapping the availability and use of safer nicotine products, regulatory responses to them, and the public health potential of tobacco harm reduction at the national, regional and global level.
Nicotine Science and Policy (NSP) is devoted to news, research, comment and policy analysis on nicotine containing products, in particular nicotine delivery devices such as electronic cigarettes and novel nicotine delivery systems, smokeless tobacco, and other non-combustible tobacco products.
Explore trends in nicotine and tobacco product use in the U.S. through interactive charts and other visualization tools featuring our most up-to-date and rigorously reviewed data available, including retail sales data for e-cigarettes and related products (nationally and state-by-state), survey results on e-cigarette use and our latest published research on e-cigarette sales and their impact on public health.
America’s Health Rankings builds on the work of the United Health Foundation to draw attention to public health and better understand the health of various populations. Our platform provides relevant information that policymakers, public health officials, advocates and leaders can use to effect change in their communities.
French-speaking vaping information. Vaping Post magazine is a bimonthly printed magazine offering information and commercial offers for professionals in the e-cigarette sector. Vaping Post magazine is distributed free of charge to all e-cigarette professionals in 8 French-speaking countries , by post every two months.
Vapouround reports on the latest vaping news from the vape industry and beyond, as well as sharing reviews on the latest e-cigarette products, exclusive interviews with some of the biggest names in the community and advice for beginner and advanced vapers. Vapouround works closely with our international partners and clients to give our online readers and magazine subscribers a truly invaluable resource for the vaping industry that gives businesses, individuals and advocates a voice.
E Juice magazine is an avenue for businesses to market their vape products offline. Reaching your target audience – The offline magazine will be created and mailed out to over 29,000 vape shops across the U.S. and placed in our orders on a monthly basis.
e-Cig mag, founded in France in December 2013, is a trade press publication specializing in electronic cigarette news. This quarterly publication is distributed in over 4,800 copies to industry professionals in France. Until May 2016, it was the only media outlet to address both the general public and professionals, with a circulation of 50,000 copies in newsstands and newsagents in France and distribution by subscription to the industry.
Vape Business is your one-stop destination for all things related to the booming world of vaping and smoke-free products. Established as a cornerstone of the vaping community, Vape Business is a dynamic platform bridging the gap between manufacturers, retailers, and consumers. With a print version gracing the shelves of over 40,000 convenience retailers across the UK every month, and a website updated daily.
B2B Wholesaler Magazine, the leading trade publication for counter culture, vaping and e-cig products in the U.S. We are a publishing company that advocates for the counter culture and vaping industries through editorial and articles published in B2B Wholesaler magazine, and advertisers who are major players in these markets.
PT. Vape Magazine or vapemagz is a company engaged in the print and online media industry, we collaborate with distributors or companies that make vape devices or liquids both domestically and abroad. For print media, we publish every month and we distribute to more than 600 stores, distributors, brewers and influencers. for online media, we are very active on social media Instagram, Facebook, Website.
CHAMPS Show Magazine is dedicated to bringing all the CHAMPS Trade Show Vendors and all the great information from each and every show to over 12,000 Stores across the country. Each issue will be packed with tons of fresh content from each CHAMPS show. Glass Games updates, Vendor Profiles, Event Winners and more.
Sigmagazine, a daily newspaper of information on vaping and aromas, is a newspaper registered with the Court of Rome at number 234/2015. Sigmagazine is also a bimonthly paper magazine distributed free of charge to operators in the electronic cigarette sector, authorized by the Court of Rome at number 35/2023.
Total Product Expo or TPE is the largest B2B trade show dedicated to tobacco, cigar, vapor, and their alternatives. As the most engaging show in the industry, it offers various opportunities for manufacturers, buyers, sellers, distributors, and independent retailers.
Since our launch in September 2021, the World Vape Show has evolved into the most important B2B event series for the vape industry. After successful events in Dubai, Paraguay, UK, and Indonesia, the World Vape Show offers attendees opportunities to engage, network, educate, and elevate their businesses in a premium environment.
Vaper Expo, the UK’s only dedicated Vape exhibition showcasing the very best the vape industry has to offer from around the world. The Vaper Expo UK is Europe’s biggest vaping exhibition and a must attend event for both consumers and trade visitors. Established in 2015 we have been bringing together the biggest vape brands, latest innovations and product launches for over 10 years.
The increasing success the events have achieved with the public, industry professionals and exhibitors in the past several editions, and the experience gained through them have made the Vapitaly team the most highly qualified event organizer in the vaping sector in Italy, and have enabled the company to strengthen its excellent positioning in Europe.
ANTY EXPO, held once a year, is committed to building a new tobacco industry chain exhibition, which is a new tobacco industry event bringing together the world’s well-known vape, hnb, nicotine pouch, open system, supply chain enterprises and service enterprises. ANTY EXPO 2025 will be held at the Malaysian International Trade and Exhibition Center on August 16-17, based in Malaysia, radiating Southeast Asia, and building an in-depth cooperation and exchange platform for the upper, middle and lower reaches of the industry!
Vapexpo is a leading international exhibition and trade fair for the vaping industry, bringing together manufacturers, professionals, and enthusiasts to showcase products, network, and discuss the latest trends in e-cigarettes and vaping.
EVO NXT launched in 2023 as an unusual event format outside of traditional trade fairs – exclusively for the NGP industry! An innovative business festival and with a unique mix of information and entertainment, EVO NXT offers everyone the perfect platform for joining forces and driving change in the industry.
E-Cigarette Forum is an online platform focused on vaping technology and culture. It features a forum, articles, product reviews and deals.
Vaping Underground is a vibrant e-cigarette community that provides a platform for vaping enthusiasts worldwide to connect and share information. Here, users can find comprehensive resources on vaping devices, e-liquids, usage techniques, and industry developments.
Planet of the Vapes is a specialized online community forum dedicated to electronic cigarettes, providing vaping enthusiasts with a platform for exchange and sharing. The forum covers all aspects of vaping, from beginner guides to advanced modifications, e-liquid reviews to industry trends and developments, offering comprehensive resources for the vaping community.
The Vaping Community is an online platform dedicated to discussions on electronic cigarette-related topics. Community members can share experiences, exchange insights, and obtain information, covering needs ranging from beginners to advanced enthusiasts. The community features a clean, intuitive interface design with robust functionality, providing users with an excellent interactive experience.
The Electronic_Cigarette subreddit on Reddit is a community dedicated to discussing electronic cigarettes and vaping-related topics. This forum was established on September 17, 2008, and currently has 232K members. It is a public forum intended for individuals 18 years of age and older.
The Vaping community on Reddit is a public forum that was established on January 17, 2010, and currently has 210,000 members.
ECIGSSA is an online forum for South African e-cigarette users, providing a platform for exchanging and sharing vaping experiences, product reviews, technical troubleshooting, and social interaction.
Ecigarette-public forum is an online discussion platform specifically designed for e-cigarette users, founded by Margouillat in 2008, primarily targeting users in France and French-speaking countries. The forum aims to provide e-cigarette users with a friendly, independent space where they can freely share their opinions, aspirations, concerns, and both positive and negative experiences with vaping products.
The largest online community for ecigs, e-cigarettes, vape, vapers, vape and vapers in the Netherlands and Belgium
VapingToday is a Spanish-language online newspaper specializing in promoting Tobacco Harm Reduction. It offers comprehensive coverage of political, scientific, sociocultural, and community issues, along with expert perspectives from a global perspective.