As of September 1st, retailers on the Isle of Man face a new regulation banning the in-store display of e-cigarettes and vaping products. The Office of Fair Trading took proactive measures to ensure a smooth transition for retailers, with Trading Standards officers visiting every store to provide guidance on compliant storage solutions, such as cabinets, gantry systems, and cupboards, while helping businesses avoid unnecessary expenses.

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Ireland’s Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, has released the findings of a public consultation that aimed to gauge support for new, stricter regulations on tobacco and vaping products. The consultation, titled “Public Consultation on Further Regulation of Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products,” sought opinions on various topics, including regulating flavors, packaging, appearance, and point-of-sale display advertising for nicotine-inhaling products. Read more

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has updated its import alert, known as the “Red List,” which empowers U.S. Customs and Border Protection to detain potential vaping products without physical examination. The updated list includes 13 additional e-cigarette manufacturers and distributors, with 10 of them being Chinese companies.

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced a final rule that increases the minimum age for certain restrictions on tobacco product sales. The new requirements align with legislation signed in December 2019, which raised the federal minimum age of sale of tobacco products in the United States from 18 to 21 years of age. Read more

The Russian State Duma plans to consider an inter-faction bill during the autumn session that would completely ban the sale of vapes in Russia, according to Yaroslav Nilov, head of the Duma Committee on Social Policy and one of the bill’s authors. Read more

The Federal Council of Switzerland has put the new Tobacco Products Act into effect starting October 1st, introducing stricter regulations for the sale, advertising, and reporting of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes. The measures aim to protect young people and reduce the harmful effects of smoking. Read more

The Czech Republic’s Ministry of Health has drafted a new law that aims to ban electronic cigarettes starting next year, according to Novinky and “European Truth.” The ministry cites public health concerns as the primary reason for this initiative, particularly the increasing number of e-cigarette users among minors and young adults.

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The Malinauskas Labor Government in South Australia has proposed sweeping new laws to combat the sale of illegal vapes and tobacco, introducing the toughest penalties in the nation. The legislation, set to be introduced in State Parliament, aims to significantly toughen controls and penalties related to the sale and use of these products.

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The Colombian Congress has introduced a bill on August 21, 2024, that aims to increase taxes on conventional cigarettes and create a new tax for electronic cigarettes in response to the alarming rise in electronic cigarette use among students aged 12 to 18. The proposal seeks to reduce youth consumption and protect children’s health, and has garnered support from various scientific and civil organizations.

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Warwickshire health authorities have introduced a new initiative to help pregnant smokers quit by offering them vape ‘quit kits’ as part of the Government’s Swap to Stop programme. The programme, which is now available to pregnant women and expectant parents who live in Warwickshire or are registered with a Warwickshire GP, provides access to support for quitting smoking, including vape quit kits, 12 weeks of behavioural support, and stop smoking treatments.

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