A recent study from the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business has shed light on the potential impact of e-cigarette taxes on underage vaping. The study, titled “Smoke and Mirrors: Impact of E-cigarette Taxes on Underage Social Media Posting,” was conducted by Vrinda Kadiyali, professor at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, and Piyush Anand, assistant professor at the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University. Read more

Where you reside may impact exposure to vaping. A new analysis from Forbes Advisor compared e-cigarette usage metrics across all 50 states, revealing significant variances – with Southern regions showing the most vapers while coastal areas demonstrate far less prevalence. Read more

A controversial new UK study made headlines this week, claiming vaping during pregnancy helps women quit smoking without posing additional risks. However, conflicting evidence leaves expectant mothers navigating mixed messages from experts regarding potential harm from e-cigarettes. Read more

The largest investigation to date shows no signs at the population level that vaping serves as a gateway into cigarette smoking. The comprehensive analysis led by Queen Mary University of London compared smoking rates and patterns in countries with contrasting e-cigarette regulations.

Researchers discovered that the decline in smoking has accelerated faster in the UK, where vaping is embraced, than in Australia which bans nicotine e-cigarettes. There are also early indications that switching to vaping is hastening the demise of combustible cigarettes. Read more

A new study in New Zealand has revealed that providing smokers access to alternative nicotine products like e-cigarettes is more beneficial for smoking cessation rates than substantially raising taxes on tobacco products. Read more

Quitting smoking is extremely challenging. But research reveals certain vape flavors can make success more likely. A recent survey of 70,000 U.S. vapers identified the most popular flavors used to stop smoking. Read more

Exciting new research reveals that prohibiting flavored vape products erroneously causes increased traditional cigarette consumption. The findings demonstrate how well-intentioned but flawed vaping flavor restrictions end up protecting deadly combustible cigarettes. Read more

Quitting smoking is extremely difficult, with most smokers requiring multiple attempts before successfully kicking the habit. While nicotine replacement therapies like gum and patches are helpful for some, many smokers struggle to transition away from the physical motions and rituals of smoking. This is where e-cigarettes can provide a critical advantage. The largest US study on e-cigs to date provides compelling evidence that vaping can promote smoking cessation, even among smokers not initially intending to quit.

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Emerging research reveals significant cost savings for the NHS if more smokers in England transitioned to vaping, providing key insights for achieving smoke-free goals.

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A new study from the University of East Anglia lends credence to government initiatives that distribute free electronic cigarettes to disadvantaged populations trying to quit smoking.

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