The Health Warning Label for Vape Product Packaging in Different Countries
Hello! Today, Ecigator has prepared a summary of health warning labels for electronic cigarette packaging in different countries. With many countries implementing regulations for electronic cigarettes, it is important to understand the warning label requirements in different countries to avoid non-compliance.
North America
1. United States:
Age restriction: 21 years old
Warning language:
WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Warning label format and area requirements:
- The warning label should be printed in a prominent position on two main display surfaces of the packaging.
- The warning label should cover at least 30% of each main display surface.
- The font size of the warning label should be at least 12 points, and the warning label should occupy as much space as possible in the warning label area.
- The warning label should be printed in a clear and visible Helvetica bold, Arial bold, or similar sans-serif font, with the option for formatting, layout design, color printing, or other forms to highlight the warning language.
- The warning language should be in capital letters and include punctuation marks.
- The text should be centered in the warning label area and oriented in the same direction as other information on the packaging.
2. Canada:
Age restriction: 18 years old (may vary by province)
Warning language:
WARNING: Nicotine is highly addictive.
AVERTISSEMENT: La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. (French)
Warning label format and area requirements:
- The health warning language must be displayed on the main display panel of the packaging.
- If the area of the main display panel is less than 15cm2, the health warning language can be displayed on other display surfaces of the outer packaging or in the instructions.
- The manufacturer must display the words “Health Canada” next to or below the English version of the warning language, and the words “Santé Canada” next to or below the French version of the warning language.
- The first word should be in capital letters and bold, while the rest of the text should be in sentence case and not bold. The health warning language in one official language must be displayed next to or below the health warning language in the other official language, and the two languages cannot be mixed.
- For electronic cigarette products or packaging, the warning language in both official languages must be displayed on the same main display panel or surface.
- If the area of the main display panel is less than 45 cm2, the minimum font height should be 2mm and the minimum font size should be 6 points.
1. EU TPD:
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning language:
‘This product contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance. It is not recommended for use by nonsmokers’.
‘This product contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance.’
Warning label format and area requirements:
- The health warning label should be displayed on the front and back of both the unit packet and outside packaging.
- The warning label should cover at least 30% of the front and back surfaces of the packaging when closed. For countries with two official languages, the warning label area should be at least 32%, and for countries with more than two official languages, the warning label area should be at least 35%.
- The warning label should be within a 1mm black border.
- The warning label should be in black Helvetica bold font on a white background.
- The font size should ensure that the health warning label occupies the maximum reserved space.
- The warning label should be centered in the reserved position and parallel to the main text on the surface.
2. United Kingdom:
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning language:
“This product contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance”
Warning label format and area requirements:
- The health warning label should be displayed on the front and back of both the unit packet and any container pack.
- The warning label should cover at least 30% of the front and back surfaces of the packaging when closed.
- The warning label should be in black Helvetica bold font on a white background.
- The font size should ensure that the health warning label occupies the maximum reserved space.
- The warning label should be centered in the reserved position and parallel to the main text on the surface.
3. Spain:
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning language:
“Este producto contiene nicotina, una sustancia muy adictiva. No se recomienda su consumo a los no fumadores”.
Warning label format and area requirements:
- The health warning label should be displayed on the front and back of both the unit packet and outside packaging.
- The warning label should cover at least 30% of the front and back surfaces of the packaging when closed. For countries with two official languages, the warning label area should be at least 32%, and for countries with more than two official languages, the warning label area should be at least 35%.
- The warning label should be within a 1mm black border.
- The warning label should be in black Helvetica bold font on a white background.
- The font size should ensure that the health warning label occupies the maximum reserved space.
- The warning label should be centered in the reserved position and parallel to the main text on the surface.
4. France:
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning language:
La nicotine contenue dans ce produit crée une forte dépendance. Son utilisation par les non-fumeurs n’est pas recommandée.
Warning label format and area requirements:
- The health warning label should cover 30% of the two largest surfaces on both the unit packet and outside packaging.
- The warning label should be parallel to the main text on the surface.
- The warning label should be in black Helvetica bold font on a white background.
- The font size should ensure that the health warning label occupies the maximum reserved space.
5. Germany
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning message content:
Dieses Produkt enthält Nikotin: einen Stoff, der sehr stark abhängig macht.
Warning message format and area requirements:
- On the front and back of the unit packet and outside packaging
- When the package is closed, the health warning label should cover 30% of the front and back surfaces. For countries with two official languages, the warning label area should be more than 32%. For countries with more than two official languages, the warning label area should be more than 35%.
- The warning message must be within a black border of 1mm in width.
- White background, bold Helvetica font in black.
- The health warning message must be centered in the reserved position.
- The health warning message must be parallel to the main text on the same surface.
6. Italy
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning message content:
Prodotto contenente nicotina, sostanza che crea un’elevata dipendenza. Uso sconsigliato ai non fumatori.
Warning message format and area requirements:
- On the front and back of the unit packet and outside packaging
- When the package is closed, the health warning label should cover 30% of the front and back surfaces. For countries with two official languages, the warning label area should be more than 32%. For countries with more than two official languages, the warning label area should be more than 35%.
- The warning message must be within a black border of 1mm in width.
- White background, bold Helvetica font in black.
- The font size must ensure that the health warning label occupies the maximum reserved position.
- The health warning message must be centered in the reserved position.
- The health warning message must be parallel to the main text on the same surface.
7. Poland
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning message content:
“Wyrób zawiera nikotyn, która powoduje szybkie uzale?nienie”.
Warning message format and area requirements:
- On the front and back of the unit packet and outside packaging
- When the package is closed, the health warning label should cover 30% of the front and back surfaces. For countries with two official languages, the warning label area should be more than 32%. For countries with more than two official languages, the warning label area should be more than 35%.
- The warning message must be within a black border of 1mm in width.
- White background, bold Helvetica font in black.
- The font size must ensure that the health warning label occupies the maximum reserved position.
- The health warning message must be centered in the reserved position.
- The health warning message must be parallel to the main text on the same surface.
8. Czech Republic
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning label content:
Tento vrobek obsahuje nikotin, kter je vysoce návykovou látkou. Jeho uití nekuáky se nedoporuuje.
Warning label format and area requirements:
- On the front and back of the unit packet and outside packaging.
- When the packaging is closed, the health warning label should cover 30% of the front and back of the packaging. For countries with two official languages, the warning label area should be more than 32%; for countries with more than two official languages, the warning label area should be more than 35%.
- The warning label must be within a 1mm wide black border.
- White background, black Helvetica bold font.
- The font size must ensure that the health warning label occupies the maximum area of its reserved position.
- The label must be centered in the reserved position.
- The health warning label must be parallel to the main text of the label.
9. Russia
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning label content:
There are no relevant regulations. Best-selling products should refer to the relevant regulations in the UK.
Warning label format and area requirements:
There are no relevant regulations. Best-selling products should refer to the relevant regulations in the UK.
1. New Zealand
Age limit: 18 years old
Warning content:
This product contains nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance.
He nikotīni kei roto i tēnei mea, he matū tino whakawara.
Warning label format and area requirements:
- Placed in the central reserved area on the front and back of the package;
- Use black Helvetica font on a white background;
- The font size should be as large as possible to occupy the maximum area of the reserved warning space;
- Parallel to the maximum text on the brand name, product variant name, or front and back of the product;
- When the package is closed, the reserved area should not be less than 32% of the total area of the package.
South America
Age limit: 18 years old in Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, and other countries have no clear regulations, best to follow the United States’ relevant regulations for best practices.
1. South Korea
Age limit: 19 years old
Warning content:
The health warning label (with warning pictures and text) should occupy more than 50% of the front and back areas of the packaging, with pictures occupying 30% and text occupying 20%; it should occupy more than 30% of the side area.
2. Philippines
Age limit: 21 years old
New regulations will be implemented from July 2022. The related regulation links cannot be opened.
3. Indonesia
Age limit: 18 years old
No clear regulations, best to follow the United States’ relevant regulations for best practices.
4. Malaysia
Age limit: 18 years old
No clear regulations, best to follow the United States’ relevant regulations for best practices.
5. Vietnam
Age limit: 18 years old
No clear regulations, best to follow the United States’ relevant regulations for best practices.
6. Turkey
Age limit: 19 years old
No clear regulations, best to follow the United States’ relevant regulations for best practices.
7. Japan
Age limit: 20 years old
No clear regulations, best to follow the United States’ relevant regulations for best practices.
8. China
Age limit: 18 years old
Health warning label:
Format and area requirements:
The health warning must cover at least 30% of the main display area of the packaging; Use black font on a white background; The font size should be no smaller than 1/3 of the font size of Chinese characters in the packaging; The warning should be displayed in Chinese on the front and in English on the back; The health warning must be parallel to the main text on the same surface.
Middle East Region
1. United Arab Emirates
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning content:
Health warning: Contains nicotine which causes severe addiction, increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Nicotine is harmful to the health of pregnant and nursing women, and people suffering from chronic pulmonary diseases such as asthma and pulmonary embolism.
Warning format and area requirements:
- The health warning must cover at least 50% of the main display area of the packaging;
- The front should be displayed in English, and the back should be displayed in Arabic.
2. Saudi Arabia
Age restriction: 18 years old
Warning content:
Health warning: Contains nicotine which causes severe addiction, increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Nicotine is harmful to the health of pregnant and nursing women, and people suffering from chronic pulmonary diseases such as asthma and pulmonary embolism.
Warning format and area requirements:
- The health warning must cover at least 65% of the main display area of the packaging;
- The front should be displayed in English, and the back should be displayed in Arabic.
2. Bahrain
No relevant regulations, can refer to the regulations in the United Arab Emirates.
3. Jordan
No relevant regulations, can refer to the regulations in the United Arab Emirates.
1. South Africa
Age restriction: 19 years old
No specific regulations, best-selling products have no health warning or refer to relevant regulations in the UK. Can refer to Ecigator packaging.
2. Egypt
Age limit: Not specified
Warning content:
حافظ على سلامتك وصحة أسرتك، الإدمان خطير. تحتوي هذه المنتجات على النيكوتين، مواد سامة وتسبب الإدمان.
Warning format and area requirements:
- The health warning must cover at least 50% of the main display area of the package;
- The front must be displayed in English and the back in Arabic.
3. Kenya
Age limit: Not specified
Warning content:
“This product contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance.”
Warning format and area requirements:
- The health warning must cover at least 30% of the main display area of the package;
- Use black background, white color, Arial bold font;
- The font size must ensure that the health warning slogan occupies the maximum area of its reserved position;
- It must be centered on the reserved position;
- The health warning must be parallel to the main text on the same surface.
4. Mozambique
Age limit: Not specified
Warning content:
Este produto contém nicotina que é altamente viciante
Warning format and area requirements:
- The health warning must cover at least 30% of the main display area of the package;
- Use white background, black color, Arial bold font;
- The font size must ensure that the health warning slogan occupies the maximum area of its reserved position;
- It must be centered on the reserved position;
- The health warning must be parallel to the main text on the same surface.
Many countries have introduced regulations for electronic cigarettes, including requirements for health warning labels on packaging. Each country has its own specific requirements for the content, format, and size of the warning labels. It is important for manufacturers and distributors of electronic cigarettes to understand and comply with these requirements to avoid selling non-compliant products. The health warnings typically emphasize the harmful effects of nicotine and other toxic substances in electronic cigarettes, and the addictive nature of these products. Overall, the health warnings serve as an important reminder to consumers of the risks associated with using electronic cigarettes.
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