Ireland Fines Selling Vapes at Children’s Events €2,000

Ireland fines selling vapes children's events

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly has signed new laws that introduce an on-the-spot fine of €2,000 for outlets caught selling vapes or tobacco products at events aimed at children. These measures, effective from today, are part of the Minister’s comprehensive strategy to regulate nicotine inhaling products strictly and eliminate tobacco use.

The new laws come after Minister Donnelly began plans in March to ban disposable vapes eventually. Last week, the Government approved the drafting of the Minister’s Public Health (Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill, which will regulate vaping products’ packaging, flavors, and retail display, as well as ban single-use or disposable vapes.

Minister Donnelly will also bring his Public Health (Tobacco) Amendment Bill through the Dail as soon as possible in the new term. The Bill aims to make Ireland the first EU country to set a minimum legal age of 21 for selling tobacco products.

Commenting on the new provisions, Minister Donnelly said, “I welcome the coming into operation of further provisions of our 2023 Act. I am developing new tobacco control law, bringing law through the Houses, and implementing law that has already passed. The urgency is to save lives that are being lost because of a common commercial product that kills.”

Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing, and the National Drugs Strategy, Colm Burke, added, “As Minister with responsibility for Public Health and Wellbeing, I am working with Minister Donnelly on our multiple legislative measures to eliminate this blight on the health of our population. We have led the world on tobacco control in the past and will continue to forge ahead until we have eliminated this addictive and lethal threat.”

News Source: Outlets to be hit with €2,000 on-the-spot fine for selling vapes at children’s events from today

Matthew Ma