Kansas City Council Reconsiders Ban on Flavored Vapes

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Kansas City officials have proposed banning flavored vapes for the second time in four years. The ordinance aims to reduce the use of these products among teenagers and communities of color. Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw leads the push with four co-sponsors, including 4th district councilman Eric Bunch.

Bunch stated, “These products are designed and marketed to appeal to young people and vulnerable populations, leading to early addiction and a lifetime of health issues. These products make it easy to start and hard to quit. By taking action, we are prioritizing public health and taking responsible action to safeguard our community.”

In 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ordered the removal of flavored cartridge-based e-cigarettes from the market but did not account for the sale of tobacco and menthol flavored cartridge-based e-cigarettes, flavored disposable e-cigarettes, or refillable flavored e-cigarette products.

Parks-Shaw cited youth e-cigarette use, health risks, and health disparities in communities of color and low-income neighborhoods as reasons for the ordinance, using information from the American Heart Association.

Mayor Quinton Lucas plans to gather additional information from experts, impacted local businesses, and community members before making an informed decision on the ordinance.

The city’s finance department estimates that between $1 million and $6 million in stamp and sales tax revenue could be lost because of the ordinance, which includes flavored tobacco and vapes. The council must consider this financial component when deciding on the ban.

The ordinance will be discussed in the council’s meeting Thursday at 3 p.m.

Matthew Ma