Mexico City Fights Tobacco and Vaping Consumption with New Strategies

Mexico smoking ban public places

Mexico City is taking a stand against tobacco and vaping consumption, recognizing the serious public health threat these products pose to its residents. The Ministry of Health (Sedesa) has been working tirelessly to eradicate the sale and use of these harmful substances through targeted health strategies in establishments that promote their sale.

Inspections and Seizures

Since 2019, Sedesa has conducted a total of 1,423 inspections across multiple properties to identify commercial centers selling tobacco and vaping products. As a result of these efforts, 46 establishments that promoted the sale of vapes have been suspended, and 38,046 related products have been seized.

Agepsa’s Comprehensive Approach

Under the direction of the Health Protection Agency (Agepsa), the capital’s government is implementing a multi-faceted approach to combat tobacco and vaping consumption. In addition to working to eliminate the production, distribution, and marketing of these toxic substances, Agepsa is focusing on promoting “100% Smoke-Free Spaces, Emissions and Vaping” initiatives in various sectors of the population.

Positive Results in Key Areas

Agepsa’s comprehensive strategy has yielded positive results in some of the most recurrent areas of the capital. The agency has:

  • Advised more than 3,761 establishments on the dangers of tobacco and vaping
  • Trained 13,885 people to recognize and combat these issues
  • Delivered 19,437 printed materials related to the health risks associated with exposure to tobacco and vaping products
  • Issued 201 “100% Smoke-Free Spaces” recognitions to various properties, including the Juárez de México Hospital, the Palacio de Bellas Artes, and campuses of the Instituto de Educación Media Superior de la Ciudad de México and the Colegio de Bachilleres

Severe Health Risks

Agepsa’s efforts to inform the public about the dangers of smoke and vapor are crucial, as the consumption of these substances can lead to severe health problems, including:

  1. Respiratory damage: Inflammation of lung tissue can cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and cancer.
  2. Cardiovascular damage: Changes in blood circulation can lead to arteriosclerosis and heart attacks.
  3. Mutagenic damage: Increased risk of cancer and reproductive disorders, such as erectile dysfunction.

It is important to note that no type of vape or tobacco heater has received health authorization from the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) or recognition from the Ministry of Health, making their consumption highly inadvisable.

As Mexico City continues its fight against tobacco and vaping, Agepsa’s comprehensive approach serves as a model for other cities looking to protect their residents from the devastating health consequences of these harmful products.

Matthew Ma