South Carolina Proposes Vape Product Regulations

South Carolina vape product regulations safety

South Carolina lawmakers have introduced a bill that would regulate vape products sold within the state, requiring all items to be registered in a state-approved directory. The proposed legislation aims to enhance consumer safety by ensuring that only FDA-authorized products meeting specific labeling and packaging standards, and avoiding banned substances, are available for purchase.

Supporters of the bill argue that the current vape product landscape lacks sufficient regulation, with imports from countries like China potentially containing harmful chemicals, including fentanyl. By establishing a directory of approved products, lawmakers hope to provide greater transparency and accountability in the industry.

Senator Larry Grooms, a proponent of the bill, stated, “If we pass the bill, a lot of the industry will clean itself up. It’s not going to eliminate vaping, but at least we’ll know where the products are coming from. We’ll know that there’s not lethal substances in them.

In addition to the product directory, the bill seeks to regulate the packaging used by manufacturers, prohibiting the use of terms like “cupcake” or “lollipop” that some argue target children.

However, vape shop owners and employees have expressed concerns about the potential impact of the proposed regulations on their businesses. Katrina Severson, who works at Day and Night Vape and Gift Shop, warned that the bill could disrupt the supply chain and make it harder for shops to keep products in stock.

A lot of our sales for here at this location are gonna be vapes, so it definitely wouldn’t help us,” Severson said. “If they were going to limit the supplies and stuff, I think that would be a little harder to come back from.

The bill, which has garnered bipartisan support with over a dozen sponsors, has passed a subcommittee and is set to be reviewed by the full Senate Medical Affairs Committee next month. As lawmakers and industry stakeholders continue to debate the merits and potential consequences of the proposed regulations, the outcome remains to be seen.

Matthew Ma