Ukraine Bans Flavored Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes by July 11

Ukraine Bans Flavored Vapes

Ukraine has taken a proactive stance in protecting public health by implementing a comprehensive ban on the sale of flavored cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco, e-cigarettes, and e-cigarette liquids, effective from July 11, 2024. The ban, which adheres to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and European integration directive 2014/40/EU, demonstrates Ukraine’s commitment to shielding its population from the detrimental effects of smoking and nicotine addiction.

Ukraine Introduces New Regulations for Tobacco Product Packaging

As an integral part of the new regulations, Ukraine now requires all tobacco product packages to display combined medical warnings, occupying 65% of the largest side of the pack. Manufacturers must prominently feature images of diseases caused by smoking, accompanied by clear text warnings about the harm and consequences of tobacco use. Furthermore, packaging must include a QR code that directs consumers to “I quit smoking!”, a free service provided by the Center for Public Health to support individuals in their efforts to quit tobacco use.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has proactively developed three sets of medical warnings, each comprising 14 images and messages. These sets will undergo annual updates to ensure that the public remains well-informed about the latest health risks associated with smoking.

Ukraine Takes Action to Ban Flavored Products and Curb Addiction

In accordance with Law No. 1978-IX, which came into effect a year prior, Ukraine now prohibits the sale of cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and liquids containing flavored additives in stores. The law also proactively establishes several other provisions, including:

  • Actively banning certain additives (such as vitamins) to tobacco products and e-cigarettes that could mislead consumers about the consequences of using these products
  • Establishing clear requirements for the composition of e-cigarette liquids
  • Imposing reporting requirements for manufacturers and distributors of tobacco products and e-cigarettes

Ukraine granted a one-year grace period, allowing the sale of products manufactured or imported before the law came into force. However, as of July 11, 2024, this period has expired, and Ukraine now fully enforces the bans.

Ukraine Proactively Aligns with European Union Directives

Ukraine’s proactive decision to ban flavored heating cigarettes aligns with Directive No. 2014/40/EU, which required all European Union member states to implement similar measures by October 2023. As part of its ongoing European integration efforts, Ukraine has actively taken steps to fulfill this obligation, with draft law No. 9227 being submitted to the parliament to address this issue.

Ukraine’s ban on flavored cigarettes and e-cigarettes represents a crucial step in protecting public health and actively reducing the appeal of these products, particularly among younger individuals. By implementing these measures, Ukraine demonstrates its proactive commitment to creating a healthier society and effectively reducing the burden of tobacco-related diseases.

Source: Since July 11, the sale of flavored cigarettes and electronic cigarettes has been banned in Ukraine

Matthew Ma