Entries by Matthew Ma

Philippine DTI Crackdown on Non-Compliant Vape Shops

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in the Philippines has recently taken decisive action against vape shops that are not complying with the laws and regulations governing the sale of vaporized nicotine and non-nicotine products. Yesterday, the DTI closed down two such shops in Valenzuela City. This article explores the reasons for the crackdown […]

UK Vaping Laws: Guide on Legal Age and Restrictions

The recent seizure of 1,000 illegal vape devices in Notting Hill has raised concerns about the growing risk of teenagers unknowingly purchasing these products. With tank sizes up to 16ml, some of these devices are well beyond the UK’s legal limit of 2ml. This article aims to clarify the current UK vaping laws, where you […]

Waterbury Underage Vape Prevention Program

When the FDA cracked down on marketing flavored vape cartridges like Juul, the goal was to protect teens from advertising more flavors than a Baskin Robbins. However, disposable, non-cartridge flavored vapes are still visible in Connecticut smoke shops and convenience stores. Waterbury health officials are now taking action to address this issue, as kids under […]

Oklahoma Reinstates Fines for Underage Vaping Possession

In the constantly evolving landscape of tobacco and vaping regulations, Oklahoma has recently made a significant change. Governor Kevin Stitt has signed into law H.B. 2165, which reinstates fines for underage possession of tobacco and vaping products. In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of this new law and its potential impact on […]

France Considers Ban on Disposable E-Cigarettes Amid Teen Concerns

Disposable e-cigarettes, specifically those known as “puffs” in France, have been gaining significant popularity, especially among teenagers. These sweet and fruit-flavored one-use electronic cigarettes come in brightly colored packaging and are available at prices that are within reach for young people. With their widespread use and increasing presence on social media, disposable e-cigarettes have become […]

Hillsborough County’s Crackdown on Vape Sales Near Schools

Hillsborough County commissioners have taken a bold step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of our children. A new ordinance, passed unanimously on a Wednesday, will ban new vape shops from opening within 500 feet of any public or private school. This decision prioritizes the health of our youth and demonstrates a commitment to addressing […]

Buffalo Common Council Regulates Vaping and Cannabis Establishments

Buffalo Common Council has taken a significant step in regulating tobacco, hookah, vaping, and cannabis establishments in the city. This comes in response to resident concerns over the lack of municipal control and regulation of smoke shops. The council has announced that this legislation will ensure a positive impact on communities and not impede the […]

Louisiana House Ban on Flavored Vape Products

The Louisiana House Judiciary Committee has approved a bill that would prohibit the sale of flavored nicotine products used in vaping. The bill, known as House Bill 179, was introduced by William Wheat, a representative from the Ponchatoula district.


Top 10 Vape Manufacturers and Suppliers in China 2023

China has emerged as a major player in the vaping industry. In this article, we will provide an overview of the top 10 vape manufacturers and suppliers in China in 2023, highlighting their products and contributions to the industry. These 10 vape manufacturers and suppliers are some of the best in China, offering high-quality products […]

Australia’s Vaping Import Ban: Latest Policy Changes and What They Mean

New vaping reforms announced by the Australian government have caused concern among vapers in the country. The planned restrictions, which will include a ban on importing nicotine and non-nicotine vaping products except for pharmacies, have raised questions about what exactly will be affected. Here’s what we do know, and what is yet to be decided.