Entries by Matthew Ma

Vaping Laws in Florida – Is it Legal to Vape in Florida?

The world of vaping can often seem as hazy as the clouds exhaled by its enthusiasts. Regulations around this popular pastime are as diverse as the flavors offered in your local vape shop, especially when it comes to the Sunshine State Florida. If you’re scratching your head, asking, “What’s the Vaping Laws in Florida?”, then […]


The Ignition of UK Waste Plants by Disposable Vapes

In the United Kingdom, the surge in disposable vapes is wreaking havoc on recycling plants. Over the past year, a dramatic increase in fires has been recorded in these facilities, with disposable vapes being the primary culprit. The potential for a major blaze threatens not only the facilities but the very air we breathe, with […]

New Sin Tax Introduced in South Africa cos the Surge in Vape Juice Prices

The vaping industry in South Africa is about to face a significant change as a new sin tax for vaporized tobacco products will be introduced next month. This tax has raised concerns and sparked debates among various stakeholders, including the Vapour Products Association South Africa (VPASA) and the Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable […]

FDA Blocks the Marketing of 6,500 Flavored Vape Products

On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stopped ten companies from marketing or distributing 6,500 flavored e-liquid and e-cigarette products as part of their ongoing campaign against tobacco products marketed towards young people. These actions aim to protect public health by ensuring that tobacco products do not appeal to or target minors.

Watchdog Bans Elf Bar and HQD Vape Ads on Tiktok

The world of social media is constantly evolving, and with it comes new challenges for advertisers and regulators. In this article, we’ll explore the recent ban on two TikTok posts promoting vapes by Elf Bar and HQD Tech, and why the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) deemed them inappropriate for the platform. Let’s dive in!

Russia Increased Fines for Vape Products Sold to Minors

Hey there! Starting from May 9th, fines for selling tobacco products to minors in Russia have been raised. These changes have been implemented to protect the health of minors and reduce the use of tobacco products among young people. Let’s dive into the details of the new regulations and explore their implications.


Exploring the Latest Vape Tax Motions in the US

In recent years, the topic of vape taxes has become a subject of debate and discussion in the United States. While some states have proposed and implemented taxes on vaping products, others have opposed such measures. This article delves into the latest developments regarding vape tax motions in the US, focusing on the failed vape […]

Alabama Introduced New Bill to Ban Underage Vaping

We all know that vaping has become a significant issue among young people in recent years. With alarming numbers of middle school students and even children as young as seven or eight years old beginning to vape, it’s clear that we must address this problem head-on. The nicotine addiction risk for children and teens is […]