European Union Vape Taxation: A Diverse Landscape Across Member States

European Smoking and Vaping Rates

The European Union (EU) currently does not enforce a uniform vape tax across its 27 member states, leading to a varied landscape of taxation policies for e-cigarettes and related products. More than half of the EU countries have introduced taxes on e-liquids based on volume, categorizing them under consumption taxes. However, the tax rates and structures differ significantly across the region.

Types of Vape Tax Structures

EU countries generally adopt one of four tax structures when it comes to vaping products:

  1. Specific Taxation: A fixed amount is applied per unit of product, such as per milliliter of e-liquid.
  2. Ad Valorem Taxation: The tax is based on a percentage of the product’s value.
  3. Tiered Taxation: Different tax rates are applied to different product categories.
  4. Mixed Taxation: A combination of specific and ad valorem taxes is used.

These taxes may apply to all vape products, including devices, accessories, and e-liquids, or they may be limited to nicotine-containing e-liquids only.

Vape Tax Policies Across the EU

The following table provides an overview of the vape tax policies implemented by various EU member states:


The vape taxation landscape in the European Union is diverse, with member states adopting various tax structures and rates. While some countries have introduced specific taxes on e-liquids based on volume, others rely solely on value-added tax (VAT). The tax rates and policies vary significantly across the region, with some countries planning progressive increases in the coming years. As the e-cigarette market continues to evolve, it is essential for businesses and consumers to stay informed about the taxation policies in their respective countries to ensure compliance and make informed decisions.

Matthew Ma