Brazil Suspends CNPJ for Smuggled E-Cigarettes, Cigarettes Sales

Brazil suspends CNPJ smuggled e-cigarettes

The Brazilian Federal Revenue will suspend the CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) of entities or branch establishments if they engage in the commercialization, display, storage, safekeeping, or transportation of prohibited products that pose potential risks to public health, the environment, or safety. This measure particularly targets e-cigarettes, vapes, and smoking products, and will be enforced during operations to combat smuggling, embezzlement, international drug trafficking, and money laundering, without prejudice to other applicable sanctions.

The measure, outlined in Normative Instruction RFB 2,229, was published in today’s (15) Federal Official Gazette and will come into force 10 days after its publication. It represents an essential step in combating organized crime and money laundering in Brazil.

Matthew Ma