Switzerland Implements Stricter Vape Regulations

Switzerland E-Cigarette Regulations

The Federal Council of Switzerland has put the new Tobacco Products Act into effect starting October 1st, introducing stricter regulations for the sale, advertising, and reporting of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes. The measures aim to protect young people and reduce the harmful effects of smoking.

Key Changes in the Tobacco Products Act

  • Uniform ban on sales to individuals under 18 throughout Switzerland
  • Stricter advertising restrictions on posters, public transport, cinemas, publicly accessible buildings, and sports fields
  • Extension of smoking bans to include heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes
  • Prohibition of sponsoring events with an international character or targeting minors
  • Introduction of new pictorial warnings on tobacco packaging

The Swiss Parliament continues to discuss further tightening of the Tobacco Products Act, which may lead to additional measures in the future.

News source: Schärfere Verkaufs- und Werberegeln für Tabakprodukte ab Oktober

Matthew Ma