Tag Archive for: smoking while driving

As of June 1, 2025, the Russian Ministry of Transport will prohibit smoking while operating a vehicle. The new regulations will equate cigarettes and vapes with smartphones, which are already banned from use while driving.

Violators will face fines of 1,500 rubles, with offenders being identified by cameras installed on roads. The amendments aim to reduce distractions caused by holding and lighting cigarettes while driving.

The changes will be introduced to both the Traffic Rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses to enforce the smoking ban behind the wheel.

Smoking remains a prevalent habit among many East Texas residents, despite its well-documented health risks and financial costs. While adults are free to make their own choices regarding tobacco use, the presence of children in a vehicle with a smoking adult raises significant concerns about the harmful effects of secondhand smoke exposure on minors.

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Indonesia now imposes fines of up to IDR 750,000 (≈$50) and three months’ jail time for smoking or vaping while operating motorcycles or cars. The regulation, rooted in Traffic Law No. 22/2009, aims to reduce road accidents caused by impaired driver concentration.

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As concerns about the dangers of secondhand smoke continue to grow, particularly for vulnerable populations like children and pregnant women, many European countries have taken steps to regulate smoking in private vehicles. However, the landscape of these regulations varies widely across the continent.

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Germany’s Health Ministry is proposing a ban on smoking in vehicles carrying children and pregnant women, including the use of e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products, and cannabis. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is leading the charge for this ban to protect minors and pregnant women from secondhand smoke exposure. The draft proposal, which will undergo coordination with other ministries before being presented to the Cabinet, is an expansion of the existing Non-Smokers Protection Act. In this article, we will explore the details of the proposed ban and its potential impact.

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France, a country with around 15 million smokers, has a lower proportion of smokers compared to the EU average, according to the latest figures from Eurostat. However, it is not uncommon to see drivers in France with a cigarette in hand while behind the wheel. This raises the question: is smoking while driving illegal in France due to the potential dangers it poses?

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Fines Up to €1,000 Aim to Protect Minors from Passive Smoking

As of August 2019, smoking in a car with a child under the age of 16 has been illegal throughout Belgium, following the implementation of the ban in the Brussels region. Flanders and Wallonia had already adopted similar legislation earlier in the year.

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Austria has joined the growing list of European countries taking steps to protect children and young people from the dangers of secondhand smoke in vehicles. As of 2018, a new law has come into force that prohibits smoking in cars when passengers under the age of 18 are present.

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The Finnish government has put forward a supplementary proposal to its Tobacco Act, which was initially submitted to Parliament in February. The new proposal seeks to ban smoking in cars when children under the age of 15 are present. The primary objective of this smoking ban is to minimize children’s exposure to tobacco smoke and the associated harmful health effects.

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