Tag Archive for: Spain

A recent study conducted by the Union of Promoters and Entrepreneurs of Vaping (UPEV) and Sigma Dos reveals that vaping has helped 90% of users either quit traditional tobacco or significantly reduce their consumption. The report, titled Habit and Use of Electronic Cigarettes,’ surveyed vapers across four Spanish cities—Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and Seville. It also found that 70% of ex-smokers who vape report improved health and feel motivated to quit nicotine entirely.

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Starting April 1/2025, Spain will implement a new tax on e-cigarette liquids and nicotine pouches, as outlined in the Royal Decree-Law of December 23, commonly known as the Omnibus Decree. The tax aims to generate revenue while addressing public health concerns, but critics argue it could undermine harm reduction efforts for smokers.

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On December 21, 2024, the Spanish government published Law 7/2024, which introduces a new tax on liquids for electronic cigarettes and other products related to tobacco (the “new Tax”). This law is part of a broader package of measures that also includes a Complementary Tax to comply with the EU’s Pillar Two directive on minimum corporate taxation and a Tax on the interest and commission margin of certain financial entities.

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Draft Royal Decree Aims to Regulate E-Cigarettes and Nicotine Pouches

Spain’s Ministry of Health has proposed a new royal decree that aims to ban flavored and aromatic vapes in an effort to steer the smoking devices away from the youngest sector of the population. The vaping craze has caught on among young people in Spain, causing issues with social interactions and becoming a gateway to smoking.

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The Spanish government has unveiled plans to tax nicotine in e-cigarettes, also known as vape products, as part of its search for new tax revenue. This measure forms part of a broader fiscal reform currently under discussion in Congress.

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Spanish political coalition Sumar has introduced legislation to tighten regulations on disposable vaping devices and nicotine-free e-liquids. The non-binding proposal (PNL) aims to close loopholes allowing sales of largely unregulated products popular with youth.

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Regional Government Leads Spanish Initiative in Line with European Majority

The Government of the Canary Islands, an autonomous community in Spain, will impose a tax of 0.10 euros per milliliter on vaping products and e-cigarettes starting in 2024, according to the articulated text of the modification to the law regulating the tax on tobacco products. This measure, included in the draft budget for the Autonomous Community for the upcoming year, positions the Canary Islands as the first Spanish region to collect specific taxes on these products, until the central government is expected to do so for the rest of the autonomous regions.

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Proposed Legislation Aims to Address Growing Concerns Over Youth Vaping and Potential Health Risks

The Galician government, an autonomous community in northwestern Spain, recently announced its intention to become the first region in the country to regulate the use of vaping devices through legislation. This move comes as experts warn of the potential health risks associated with vaping, particularly among minors.

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Spain has developed a comprehensive set of laws and regulations to control the use, sale, and distribution of e-cigarettes and vaping related products, as vaping continues to gain popularity worldwide, including in Spain. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a clear understanding of the current vaping laws in Spain, ensuring that both travelers and residents can enjoy their vaping experience while staying compliant with local regulations.

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Government Aims to Align E-Cigarette Standards with Conventional Tobacco Products

The Spanish government has approved a new draft law that will regulate the sale of electronic cigarettes, forcing vape shops to close within five years. Under the new legislation, tobacconists will become the only outlets permitted to sell e-cigarette products.

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