Tag Archive for: Vape Ban

Government-funded environmental group urges consideration of ban on single use disposable vapes

The issue of single use disposable vapes has reached a critical point in Scotland, with a government-backed report calling for immediate action. Zero Waste Scotland, a not-for-profit group, has highlighted the urgent need to address the growing concern of e-cigarette littering and its detrimental impact on the environment. The report, prepared by Zero Waste Scotland and Dr. Dominic Hogg of Equanimator Ltd, sheds light on the alarming scale of the problem and presents a range of potential policy options to mitigate the issue effectively.

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Vaping has become a subject of intense debate in Kazakh society, with concerns mainly focused on the unrestricted sale of vapes to minors. Kazakhstan already has legislation in place to restrict the sale of vapes to children, prohibiting their sale to individuals under the age of 18 as outlined in Article 110 of the Code “On the Health of the People and the Healthcare System of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

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During a chamber meeting, Nurghul Tau, a Mazhilis deputy, expressed her concerns about the threat vaping poses to the younger generation. She has called for a ban on their sales in Kazakhstan, as reported by Zakon.kz’s correspondent.

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New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation that prohibits the sale of flavored vaping products in the state. The ban, which will take effect in April, comes amid growing concerns over the increasing number of young people using these products and a nationwide outbreak of mysterious illnesses linked to vaping.

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced a ban on most flavors of cartridge-based e-cigarettes, including fruit and mint varieties, that have not received FDA authorization through the premarket tobacco application (PMTA) process. The ban, which was announced on January 2, 2020, requires companies to cease the manufacture, distribution, and sale of these unauthorized flavored products within 30 days or risk enforcement actions from the agency.

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