ASH Calls for Timely Implementation of UK-Wide Disposable Vape Ban

UK disposable vape ban 2025

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Scotland, a prominent health charity, has urged Members of Parliament to ensure that the planned UK-wide ban on disposable vapes remains on track following the upcoming general election. The organization emphasizes the critical importance of maintaining the agreed-upon timeline for the ban, regardless of any potential changes in government.

UK Nations Agree on April 2025 Ban

Prior to the dissolution of parliament for the snap election, all four UK nations had reached a consensus to prohibit the sale of polluting disposable e-cigarettes from April 1, 2025. However, the failure of the outgoing Tory government to pass its comprehensive Tobacco and Vapes Bill has raised concerns about potential delays in implementing the policy.

Sheila Duffy, chief executive of ASH Scotland, stressed the significance of the Scottish Government’s proposed ban on disposable recreational e-cigarettes, which are the most popular choice among young vapers. “It is critical that the timeline isn’t affected by the General Election and the forming of a new government at Westminster, and the plan stays on track for these health and environment-harming products to be banned throughout the UK from April 1 2025,” Duffy stated.

Calls for Swift Reintroduction of Legislation

ASH Scotland is advocating for the immediate reintroduction of the Tobacco and Vapes Bill once the new parliament convenes. The charity emphasizes the need for measures to curb the targeted marketing of candy-flavored vapes to children and teenagers. Additionally, the legislation aims to create a “smoke-free generation” by prohibiting anyone born from 2009 onwards from purchasing tobacco products, a move that the Scottish National Party government plans to replicate in Scotland.

Protecting Public Health and Future Generations

Duffy highlighted the devastating impact of tobacco, which remains the leading preventable cause of death in Scotland, claiming over 8,000 lives annually. She urged the new UK Government, cross-party MPs, and the Scottish Government to collaborate swiftly to combat the damage inflicted by profit-driven multinational tobacco corporations and achieve a tobacco-free generation by the target date of 2034.

“Tobacco industry promotions have lured youngsters into starting to use their addictive, harmful products for decades and the same is happening with vapes,” Duffy warned. “So we’re urging General Election candidates to support our call to stop the targeted marketing of sweet flavoured, brightly coloured e-cigarettes in engaging packaging aimed at children, by supporting the introduction of vital measures as a matter of urgency to protect the health of young people now and future generations.”

Concerns over Election Delay

Scottish Green MSP Gillian Mackay, a supporter of the Daily Record’s campaign to ban single-use vapes, expressed concern that the snap election might delay this crucial public health measure. In a letter to all party leaders, Mackay emphasized the urgent need to address the growing problem of disposable vapes, which contribute to litter, electronic waste, and the nicotine addiction of a new generation.

As the UK prepares for a general election, health advocates remain steadfast in their commitment to ensuring that the disposable vape ban proceeds as planned, safeguarding public health and the environment for generations to come.

Source: Health charity urges disposable vapes 2025 UK ban to go ahead as planned after general election

Matthew Ma