Czech Republic Prepares to Ban E-Cigarettes in 2025
The Czech Republic’s Ministry of Health has drafted a new law that aims to ban electronic cigarettes starting next year, according to Novinky and “European Truth.” The ministry cites public health concerns as the primary reason for this initiative, particularly the increasing number of e-cigarette users among minors and young adults.
Jan Rezhabek, the ministry’s spokesman, stated, “There is a very large increase in the number of electronic cigarette users among minors and young people, in some countries this figure exceeds the number of users among adults.” The ministry also referenced studies indicating that young people who start using e-cigarettes are three times more likely to smoke traditional cigarettes in the future.
A nationwide study on alcohol and tobacco consumption in the Czech Republic in 2023 revealed that the largest share of e-cigarette users falls within the 15-24 age group, accounting for nearly a third of all users. This represents a significant increase from two years ago when this age group comprised only 25% of e-cigarette users.
Critics argue that the ministry has not thoroughly investigated the health effects of e-cigarettes, which are considered less harmful than traditional cigarettes. They fear that a ban may lead e-cigarette users to switch to traditional tobacco products and create a black market for electronic cigarettes. Instead of a complete ban, some suggest increasing penalties for selling e-cigarettes to minors and implementing restrictions on product design to make them less appealing to young people.
Smoking traditional tobacco products causes up to 15,000 premature deaths in the Czech Republic each year. Similar initiatives to ban or restrict e-cigarettes have recently emerged in other European countries, such as Britain and France. On June 18, the Romanian Parliament passed a law banning the advertising of electronic cigarettes, including vapes, tobacco heating devices, and oral nicotine sachets (pouches).
News source: В уряді Чехії готують заборону електронних сигарет з наступного року